Saturday 4 May 2013

Jesse Ryder starts recovery process, hits the gym

Jesse Ryder hits the gymNew Zealand cricketer Jesse Ryder took a huge leap towards complete recovery on Friday when he turned up for a full workout session in a gym in Wellington, after suffering serious injuries in a brutal assault in March.

Ryder wrote on his Twitter page that he has a lot of work to do in terms to retain fitness after the attack.
''Back at gym 2day finally pity I almost died. #GottaWork,'' he tweeted.

Ryder was rushed to hospital with a fractured skull following a bar brawl, police and media said.

The attack came just days before the talented Ryder was to join the lucrative (IPL) sixth edition, for the Pune Warriors India.

Ryder had been drinking with his Wellington team-mates after a season-ending loss to Canterbury, but police said alcohol was not a factor in the beating he sustained. Witnesses said the attack appeared unprovoked, AFP reported.

But drink has frequently been at the centre of Ryder's troubles and the player has in the past sought psychological help to help get his career back on track.

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