Tuesday 28 May 2013

Taylor: 'We've let ourselves down' - hopes for rain

Ross Taylor concedes rain is the Black Caps best hope for a draw in the second cricket Test at Headingly, and believes it's time for the team's batting unit to take a hard look at their failures.
New Zealand struggled again in the second innings overnight, ending on 158 for six, with only Taylor (70) and Hamish Rutherford (42) offering any real resistance.
The former Blacks Caps skipper acknowledged it was another disappointing batting effort.

"It just comes down to individual application," Taylor said.
"Cricket's a tough game, you nick off now and again, but as a batting unit we've got to be a lot tougher on ourselves. And we've let ourselves down the last three innings."
He rejected suggestions England batted too long on day four, reaching 287 for five.
"I guess a draw is better than a loss, but, you know, England have thoroughly dominated the game - we'll have to wait and see (on the weather).
"If the rain comes tomorrow we'll see if they did the right thing."

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